Murder at the Mansfield

Book 2 - an Express Investigations Mystery

“The truth can set you free or cut you down to size—

still better it be known than to live a life of lies”



Hollywood, 1940. When the swanky Mansfield Gala ends in murder, Hollywood’s sweetheart and singing sensation Rose Donovan is arrested in a seemingly open and shut case. With the Express Investigations team by his side, reluctant attorney Beau Hartwell is lured into action…and love with mysterious songstress Ruby Rae Frances.


In their search for the true killer, the team encounters a new crime boss terrorizing the city, a formidable DA who forces Beau to deal with the ghosts of his past, and a race against the clock. As the trial date nears, what Beau and the EI gang uncover can save Rose, but at what price?


The scene is set for an epic whodunnit mystery which twists its way through the seedy side of Hollywood and the perils of love, changing the lives of those touched by the investigation forever.


Who will be left standing when the case is closed?

This book is intended for adults and contains dark themes and situations. See the detailed list of warnings if you are susceptible.